Results for 'Concetta De Pasquale'

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  1.  52
    Comparing the Relative Importance of Predictors of Intention to Use Bicycles.Valentina Baeli, Zira Hichy, Federica Sciacca & Concetta De Pasquale - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The use of bicycles for active commuting is an important target to reach because of the importance of increasing physical activity among the population and improving the air quality in cities. Among the models that have been utilized in previous studies, the Theory of Planned Behavior has shown good results in terms of the total variance obtained. However, establishing the relative importance of the TPB variables is difficult. In the present study, which was carried out in the Italian context, the (...)
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    Convolution and modal representations in Thagard and Stewart’s neural theory of creativity: a critical analysis.Jean-Frédéric de Pasquale & Pierre Poirier - 2016 - Synthese 193 (5):1535-1560.
    According to Thagard and Stewart :1–33, 2011), creativity results from the combination of neural representations, and combination results from convolution, an operation on vectors defined in the holographic reduced representation framework. They use these ideas to understand creativity as it occurs in many domains, and in particular in science. We argue that, because of its algebraic properties, convolution alone is ill-suited to the role proposed by Thagard and Stewart. The semantic pointer concept allows us to see how we can apply (...)
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  3. Anxiety, Stress-Related Factors, and Blood Pressure in Young Adults.Nicola Mucci, Gabriele Giorgi, Stefano De Pasquale Ceratti, Javier Fiz-Pérez, Federico Mucci & Giulio Arcangeli - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Paul Thagard, The Cognitive Science of Science, MIT Press, Cambridge (MA)/Londres, 2012, 365 p. Paul Thagard, The Cognitive Science of Science, MIT Press, Cambridge (MA)/Londres, 2012, 365 p. [REVIEW]Jean-Frédéric de Pasquale & Pierre Poirier - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (1):238-243.
    Jean-Frédéric de Pasquale ,Pierre Poirier.
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    Parent Scaffolding of Young Children When Engaged with Mobile Technology.Eileen Wood, Marjan Petkovski, Domenica De Pasquale, Alexandra Gottardo, Mary Ann Evans & Robert S. Savage - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Book Reviews : Lesley D. Harman, The Modern Stranger: On Language and Membership. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 1988. Pp. 182, US$57.50. [REVIEW]Antonio De Pasquale - 1991 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 21 (2):298-299.
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    Sens et neurosciences. Étude critique de Paul Thagard, The Brain and the Meaning of Life, Princeton University Press, 2010, 274 pagesÉtude critique de Paul Thagard, The Brain and the Meaning of Life, Princeton University Press, 2010, 274 pages. [REVIEW]Jean-Frédéric de Pasquale - 2011 - Philosophiques 38 (2):579-595.
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  8. Www. Sfi. it.Francesca Brezzi, Mario De Pasquale, Anna Bianchi, Valerio Bernardi, Cristina Boracchi, Fabio Cioffi, Antonio Cosentino, Ferruccio De Natale, Francesco Dipalo & Armando Girotti - 2016 - Comunicazione Filosofica.
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    Encouraging Active Classroom Discussion of Academic Integrity and Misconduct in Higher Education Business Contexts.Mark Baetz, Lucia Zivcakova, Eileen Wood, Amanda Nosko, Domenica De Pasquale & Karin Archer - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (3):217-234.
    The present study assessed business students’ responses to an innovative interactive presentation on academic integrity that employed quoted material from previous students as launching points for discussion. In total, 15 business classes ( n = 412 students) including 2nd, 3rd and 4th year level students participated in the presentations as part of the ethics component of ongoing courses. Students’ perceptions of the importance of academic integrity, self-reports of cheating behaviors, and factors contributing to misconduct were examined along with perceptions about (...)
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    Lyman continuum leakage in faint star-forming galaxies at redshift z=3-3.5 probed by gamma-ray bursts.J. -B. Vielfaure, S. D. Vergani, J. Japelj, J. P. U. Fynbo, M. Gronke, K. E. Heintz, D. B. Malesani, P. Petitjean, N. R. Tanvir, V. D. D'Elia, D. A. Kann, J. T. Palmerio, R. Salvaterra, K. Wiersema, M. Arabsalmani, S. Campana, S. Covino, M. De Pasquale, A. de Ugarte Postigo, F. Hammer, D. H. Hartmann, P. Jakobsson, C. Kouveliotou, T. Laskar, Andrew J. Levan & A. Rossi - forthcoming - Astronomy and Astrophysics.
    Context. The identification of the sources that reionized the Universe and their specific contribution to this process are key missing pieces of our knowledge of the early Universe. Faint star-forming galaxies may be the main contributors to the ionizing photon budget during the epoch of reionization, but their escaping photons cannot be detected directly due to inter-galactic medium opacity. Hence, it is essential to characterize the properties of faint galaxies with significant Lyman continuum photon leakage up to z 4 to (...)
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    Déduction catégoriale et prédicaments relatifs à la fin du XIII e siècle : le De origine rerum praedicamentalium de Dietrich de Freiberg et son contexte.Pasquale Porro - 2013 - Quaestio 13:197-220.
    The article aims at placing Dietrich of Freiberg’s De origine rerum praedicamentalium in its context, i.e. that of the discussions on the ‘deduction’ of categories and the ontological status of relative predicaments at the end of the 13th century, especially with respect to Henry of Ghent’s position. When Dietrich affirms that some things of first intention are constituted by the intellect, he refers only to the relative categories; as for the natural ‘absolute’ things (res naturae), Dietrich maintains on the contrary (...)
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  12. La descolonización cultural de América Latina.Pasquale Sofia - 2013 - In La descolonización cultural de América Latina: antología de una polémica filosófica. [Maracaibo, Venezuela]: Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta.
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  13. De la ‘conversio’ a la ‘confessio’.Pasquale Cormio - 2024 - Augustinus 69 (2):259-286.
    The article first of all presents the various implications of conversion for Augustine, highlighting the dynamic aspect of conversion, understanding this process as a constitutive tension of the soul that knows itself and tends towards God, in a movement from exteriority to interiority. Secondly, it highlights how the starting point of conversion is the distancing from God (aversio a Deo). Subsequently, the call (admonitio) that God makes to man to return to his inner self and return to God is pointed (...)
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    La descolonización cultural de América Latina: antología de una polémica filosófica.Pasquale Sofia (ed.) - 2013 - [Maracaibo, Venezuela]: Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta.
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    Partecipazione e democrazia in Luigi Sturzo e Alcide De Gasperi.Pasquale Hamel - 1989 - Caltanissetta: S. Sciascia.
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    Strategie della distanza: sentire differente e pensiero estetico.Pasquale De Rosa - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  17. Los pioneros de la Democracia cristiana en Francia y en Alemania entre el liberalismo y el socialismo radicales del siglo XIX.Pasquale Sofía - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 69 (3):94-108.
    Ante el panorama político doctrinario del siglo XIX caracterizado por dos filosofías opuestas y predominantes, como eran el liberalismo y el socialismo, en el presente artículo se sistematiza, por medio de una reconstrucción histórica y filosófica, la evolución del movimiento político de la Democracia Cristiana en Europa, en particular en Francia y Alemania, a través de las obras y acciones políticas de sus pioneros. Esta corriente ideológica se presenta como una �vía intermedia o alternativa� para un proyecto político fundado sobre (...)
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    La totalité peut-elle être un attribut divin? Les questions De totalitate Dei d’Henri de Gand.Pasquale Porro - 2016 - Quaestio 16:209-223.
    Rather unusually, Henry of Ghent includes ‘totality’ in the list of divine attributes discussed in his Summa quaestionum ordinariarum. Availing himself of the different philosophical definitions of totality given by Boethius and Avicenna, Henry concludes that God cannot be considered a totum universale, a totum numerale and a totum virtuale or potestativum, but concedes that He may be considered a totality insofar as His being comprehends the exemplary perfections of all created beings.
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    Lex necessitatis vel contingentiae.Pasquale Porro - 2012 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 96 (3):401-450.
    Lex necessitatis vel contingentiae Cet article se propose de reconsidérer de manière critique deux présupposés spécifiques à l’interprétation gilsonienne de Thomas d’Aquin : (i) le fait que, dans l’univers thomasien, tous les étants différents de Dieu soient marqués par une « contingence radicale » ; (ii) l’idée qu’en dernière analyse cette contingence est fondée sur la distinction entre être et essence – et, plus généralement, (iii) la conviction que la conception thomiste de la providence se présente comme une alternative radicale (...)
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    Tra il,Convivio‘ e la,Commedia‘: Dante e il „forte dubitare“ intorno al desiderio naturale di conoscere le sostanze separate.Pasquale Porro - 2010 - In David Wirmer & Andreas Speer, 1308: Eine Topographie Historischer Gleichzeitigkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 629-660.
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    Egidio Romano, la tradizione procliana e l’«averroismo di san Tommaso». Qualche considerazione sul senso e sulla storia della distinzione reale tra essere ed essenza.Pasquale Porro - 2021 - Quaestio 20:307-343.
    Taking its cue from the famous articles in which the Jesuit Marcel Chossat, in the early decades of the last century, was the first to suggest that the doctrine of the real distinction between being and essence should be attributed to Giles of Rome, and not to Thomas Aquinas, the article proposes to consider the Neoplatonic matrix of Giles’ distinction, and to re-examine in more detail the doctrine of participation, which is the real trigger of the controversy between Giles and (...)
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  22.  28
    Il De quiditate et esse attribuito ad Alberto Magno. Una nota sulle origini della distinzione tra res a reor reris e res a ratitudine.Pasquale Porro - 2018 - Quaestio 18:85-97.
    Among the various questions on different subjects attributed to Albert the Great, and presumably disputed in Paris around the middle of the 13th century, we find one – handed down mainly under the title De quiditate et esse – dedicated to the presentation of some fundamental notions of metaphysics. This particular question deserves attention insofar as it represents a significant moment in the geneaology of the distinction between the notions of res a ratitudine and res a reor reris. A final (...)
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  23.  14
    Silvia Mas, La figura del emperador en las obras de Amiano Marcelino y Ambrosio de Milán, Edizioni Santa Croce, Roma 2018.Pasquale Cormio - 2019 - Augustinianum 59 (2):531-534.
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    The title of Isocrates’ Antidosis.Pasquale Massimo Pinto - 2012 - Hermes 140 (3):362-368.
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    Le nombre six est-il créateur ou créature?Pasquale Porro - 2018 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 103 (3):445.
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    La réception de Cabanis et de l’Idéologie au Río de la Plata.Mariano di Pasquale - 2020 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 57:131-144.
    La réception de l’Idéologie en Argentine au début du XIXe siècle a joué un rôle essentiel dans la construction politique et culturelle du pays à travers l’action de son président, Bernardino Rivadavia. Les professeurs de philosophie de la nouvelle université de Buenos Aires furent chargés d’adapter en espagnol et de diffuser les idées des philosophes français dans un contexte politique souvent difficile. L’Idéologie est ainsi devenue un enjeu important dans les débats sur les modèles d’organisation politique de la jeune République (...)
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    « Rien de personnel ».Pasquale Porro - 2010 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 94 (3):481-509.
  28.  13
    El sistema astronómico de Aristóteles: Una interpretación.Ángel Augusto Pasquale - 2017 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 43 (2):313-315.
    En este trabajo critico la interpretación moralizada de la obligación política en Hobbes que defiende Luciano Venezia. Exploro una lectura diferente que evita una dicotomía tajante entre las razones prudenciales y las razones morales y subraya en cambio la discontinuidad entre la normatividad subjetiva de la ley natural y la normatividad objetiva de la ley positiva. Sostengo que el contrato de sujeción política establece obligaciones objetivas recién cuando el soberano exige el cumplimiento de los contratos. La obligación política es entonces (...)
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    Un análisis de la unidad por analogía a partir de los modelos geométricos en el De Incessu Animalium y el De Motu Animalium de Aristóteles.Angel Augusto Pasquale - 2021 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 17.
    In this article I explore certain modeling in Aristotle's zoological work. In particular, I am interested in the type of theoretical schemes in which Aristotle does not claim anatomical or physiological precision because they refer to more than one genus of animals or their parts or activities. On the one hand, I analyse the triaxial scheme of the faculties of animals in the De Incessu Animalium 4, in which the dimensions are defined not by their position but by a function. (...)
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    Heidegger, la filosofia medievale, la medievistica contemporanea.Pasquale Porro - 2001 - Quaestio 1 (1):431-462.
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    Immanuel Kant, Lezioni di filosofia della religione. A cura di Costantino Esposito.Pasquale Porro - 1990 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 88 (80):608-611.
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  32. Historia de la filosofia en la Argentina.Gianluigi Pasquale - 2002 - Filosofia Oggi 25 (2):161-219.
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  33. La unicidad de la persona de Jesucristo. Ensayo de una gramática teológica.Gianluigi Pasquale - 2006 - Verdad y Vida 64 (245):277-300.
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    Which Dimensions Should Matter for Capabilities? A Constitutional Approach.Francesco Burchi, Pasquale De Muro & Eszter Kollar - 2014 - Ethics and Social Welfare 8 (3):233-247.
    Multidimensional theories of well-being are locked into a debate about value judgment. They seek to settle which dimensions should matter for measurement and policy, and, more importantly, on what grounds to decide what should matter. Moreover, there is a gulf between theory and practice, given that measurement and policy are rarely rooted in a coherent ethical framework. Our paper engages in the debate concerning the legitimate grounds for selecting dimensions. Combining Amartya Sen's capability approach and John Rawls’ method of political (...)
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    O difícil desafio na disseminação do conhecimento acadêmico-científico.Marilda Pasqual Schneider & Tailândia Guzzi Danielewicz - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24:019025.
    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo efetuar estudo sobre a evolução histórica do periódico, enquanto mecanismo estruturado e formal de comunicação e disseminação do conhecimento científico, evidenciando transformações por que passou e resistências ao longo de sua trajetória evolutiva até tornar-se um dos instrumentos da atualidade mais utilizados na difusão do conhecimento acadêmico-científico. O estudo segue pressupostos da pesquisa exploratória fazendo uso de técnicas da investigação teórica, documental e empírica. Discorre sobre o surgimento dos periódicos científicos, demonstrando sua evolução nos (...)
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    (1 other version)Analysis and Applications of Complex Social Networks.Katarzyna Musial, Piotr Bródka & Pasquale De Meo - 2017 - Complexity:1-2.
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  37. Pathophysiological Bases of Comorbidity in Migraine.Claudia Altamura, Ilenia Corbelli, Marina de Tommaso, Cherubino Di Lorenzo, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Antonio Di Renzo, Massimo Filippi, Tommaso B. Jannini, Roberta Messina, Pasquale Parisi, Vincenzo Parisi, Francesco Pierelli, Innocenzo Rainero, Umberto Raucci, Elisa Rubino, Paola Sarchielli, Linxin Li, Fabrizio Vernieri, Catello Vollono & Gianluca Coppola - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:640574.
    Despite that it is commonly accepted that migraine is a disorder of the nervous system with a prominent genetic basis, it is comorbid with a plethora of medical conditions. Several studies have found bidirectional comorbidity between migraine and different disorders including neurological, psychiatric, cardio- and cerebrovascular, gastrointestinal, metaboloendocrine, and immunological conditions. Each of these has its own genetic load and shares some common characteristics with migraine. The bidirectional mechanisms that are likely to underlie this extensive comorbidity between migraine and other (...)
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    Artificial Womb on Maternal Request and Without the Father’s Consent: Ethical Perspectives Through a Principlist Approach.Matteo Gulino, Pasquale Ricci & Gianluca Montanari Vergallo - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (5):121-123.
    De Bie et al. argued that the decision “to transfer the fetus to AWT falls under maternal autonomy” while “once the fetonate is being supported by AWT, decision making would become a shared parenta...
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    Playing with knowledge: A virtual player for “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” that leverages question answering techniques.Piero Molino, Pasquale Lops, Giovanni Semeraro, Marco de Gemmis & Pierpaolo Basile - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 222:157-181.
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    Volken, L., Les révélations dans I’Eglise. [REVIEW]Pasquale de Cristofaro - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (1):184-185.
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    De institutione regiminis dignitatum.Giovanni Tinto Vicini & Pasquale Smiraglia - 1977 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura. Edited by Pasquale Smiraglia.
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    Pulsations du corps en médecine. Sentir et mesurer par la musique.Concetta Pennuto - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Concetta Pennuto, « Pulsations du corps en médecine », Histoire, médecine et santé, 11, été 2017, p. 55-76. Cet article propose une illustration de la manière dont la musique a fourni, par le biais de ses harmonies et son langage, un outil aux médecins pour comprendre et maîtriser les pulsations du coeur. Après une courte exploration de l'acte de prendre le pouls dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen Âge, l'étude présente des exemples de médecins modernes qui utilisent non seulement les (...)
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    Carlini and Plana on the Theory of the Moon and their Dispute with Laplace.Guido Tagliaferri & Pasquale Tucci - 1999 - Annals of Science 56 (3):221-269.
    In 1818 Laplace proposed that the Academie des Sciences in Paris set up a prize to be awarded to whoever succeeded in constructing lunar tables based solely on the law of universal gravity. In 1820 the prize was awarded to Carlini and Plana and Damoiseau by a committee of which Laplace was a member. But Laplace strongly criticized the Carlini-Plana approach to the lunar theory. A dispute ensued that is reconstructed on the basis of hitherto unknown letters exchanged between Carlini-Plana (...)
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    Obstaculización de acceso a ligadura tubaria como violencia contra la libertad reproductiva.María Julieta Cena, María Florencia Pasquale & Mariana Villarreal - 2021 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 38:249-273.
    El trabajo analiza un proceso de judicialización mediante acción colectiva bajo la tipificación de violencia contra la libertad reproductiva e institucional, y contra la obstaculización sistemática en el acceso a ligaduras tubarias de mujeres de sectores vulnerables en un hospital público de la ciudad de Córdoba-Argentina. El análisis presenta tres dimensiones principales, a saber, una dimensión jurídico-conceptual, una dimensión procesal y una dimensión de efectos de la judicialización.
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    Trois e ́tudes sur la tradition des commentaires anciens a225}0la me ́taphysique d'Aristote.Concetta Luna (ed.) - 2001 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume deals with the rapports among the extant Greek commentaries on Aristotle's _Metaphysics_: Alexander of Aphrodisias, Syrianus, Asclepius, Ps. Alexander. It traces the precise map of these texts and provides a starting point for any future research in the field.
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    L'édition léonine de saint Thomas d'Aquin.Concetta Luna - 2005 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 1 (1):31-110.
    Résumé Au cours de son histoire, la Commission Léonine a élaboré une méthode ecdotique de plus en plus complexe et raffinée. L’’édition de saint Thomas constitue, en effet, dans son ensemble, un cas unique dans l’histoire de la philologie moderne, car chaque étape a comporté l’acquisition de notions fondamentales pour tout éditeur de textes anciens et médiévaux. L’analyse minutieuse de chaque volume montre, contre toute idée reçue, que des principes de critique textuelle tout à fait corrects sont déjà à l’œuvre (...)
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    Le Père L. J. Bataillon et le renouveau des études médiévales.Concetta Luna - 2012 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 96 (2):201.
    Résumé L’œuvre philologique du Père Louis Jacques Bataillon (1914-2009) a profondément marqué les études médiévales en général et la philologie en particulier. L’élaboration de notions-clefs telles que celle d’original, la grande variété de traditions textuelles étudiées, la maîtrise hors pair des techniques d’édition élaborées dans le cadre de l’Édition Léonine de Saint Thomas d’Aquin, ainsi que la connaissance exceptionnelle des fonds manuscrits les plus importants d’Europe, font de l’œuvre du Père Bataillon une référence incontournable pour tout philologue.
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    ‘Confesiones’ 5, 15 de Agustín. Una reescritura a modo de palimpsesto.Concetta Scibetta - 2009 - Augustinus 54 (212):219-235.
    A partir de los paralelismos lexemáticos entre conf. 5, 15 y la 'Eneida', el artículo estudia los paralelismos semánticos y semióticos entre ambos textos, para señalar como uno de los hipotextos de conf. 5, 15 el de los libros IV-VI de la 'Eneida' virgiliana.
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    Agustín, Cicerón y la semiosis de las "Confessiones (conf. 12,37)".Concetta Scibetta - 2013 - Augustinus 58 (228):163-178.
    El artículo expone en detalle el texto agustiniano de conf. 12,37 y explica cómo el obispo ha hablado aparentemente acerca del Génesis: en realidad, ha disertado sobre su obra y ha indicado lo que puede ser de provecho para el lector, desarrollando con amplitud una fuente clásica, un pasaje de Cicerón (Top. 33).
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    Caregivers’ Sensemaking of Children’s Hereditary Angioedema: A Semiotic Narrative Analysis of the Sense of Grip on the Disease.Maria Francesca Freda, Livia Savarese, Pasquale Dolce & Raffaele De Luca Picione - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Background and aims. In pediatrics receiving a diagnosis of a chronic condition is a matter that involves caregivers at first. Beyond the basic issues of caring for the physical body of the ill child, caregivers’ manners of facing and making sense of the disease orient and co-construct their children’s sensemaking processes of the disease itself. The aim of this article is to explore the experience of a rare chronic illness, Hereditary Angioedema (HAE), in pediatrics, from the caregivers’ perspective. Hereditary Angioedema (...)
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